The ammendment that forbid federal funds from paying for abortions in the current healthcare bills caused a huge outcry from abortion rights groups. Go to any story on the subject and read comments and you will see dozens of comments along the lines of this infringing on their rights, no one has a right to tell them what they can or can't do with their body.
After reading this it occured to me that Roe v Wade may finally have a benefit, though nothing can make up for the millions of innocent lives it has taken to date. The Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade on the fact that making abortion illegal imposed a violation on an individuals right to privacy. The Court tells a woman that killing her unborn child is a private decision that cannot be impeeded by the government then why is it okay for the government to tell me what health insurance I have to have, tell my employer they have to provide it for me, fine me if I don't get it and possibly put me in jail any different? Where is my right to privacy where my health care decisions are concerned?
This is the perfect logical argument that liberals don't understand. The law applies to everyone, not just the liberal cause of the week. Liberal hypocrisy on the march again. If I don't have a right to make my own individual healthcare choices without government involvement than no one else should also. These health care bills should be challenged using Roe v. Wade as precedent (let them argue that one, it's a conservative win either way) and the Equal Protection Clause as the factor to consider the case.
Ukraine’s Rare Earth and Realpolitik
Photo Credit:Trump. CC BY-SA 2.0
Gage Skidmore via Flickr cc2
This Trump Doctrine is the re...
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