It's official. I can't decide what to be angry about, who to be proud of, what to rant about, or what to calmly debate about anymore. There is officially too much going on for me to keep it straight and call me a waffler if you want, my mind changes on how I feel about things hourly.
I am still convinced that any program that makes the federal government more prevalent in our lives is a bad thing so I am consistent with my view that "insert liberal buzzword" reform is bad.
I posted previously that Sarah Palin was wrong when she posted that we shouldn't do things that made us look bad or gave the opposition reason to ridicule us or marginalize our opinions. I owe Gov. Palin an apology, that moron that wore the gun to the Presidents town hall made everyone look bad and no amount of disowning him that I have seen on other posts ( can separate him from us in the minds of people who saw it. He has the legal right to own and carry that weapon but injecting some common sense into the situation might help.
I saw a couple of videos that showed opponents to the "healthcare, insurance" reform reading calmly from a list of concerns at these town hall meetings and I was impressed with the way they summed up there concerns with calm and respect. I wish that our concerns could be addressed in this manner all the time and get the due attention it deserves but if anyone out there thinks that a conservative calmly asking his questions from a sheet of paper would have gotten air time on CNN prior to the more vocal demonstration of discontent than there is no hope for rational dialogue with you.
I have to give grudging respect to the members of Congress still holding town hall meetings and not following the examples of some of the chickens. McCaskill and Specter both held them and listened to the people in the meetings. Of course after hearing them they still spewed forth the same nonsense, non-answers, and supposed facts without evidential proof. It is easy to say you will not vote for or sign something that adds to the deficit or debt when your math is flawed to begin with and you ignore the CBO when their math states that these plans will most definitely add to the deficit.
There is an idiot on MSNBC named Carlos Watson that has tried to back up the liberal standard that anything conservatives oppose is racism. He tried to equate conservatives use of the word socialism to a new code for the N-word. In his words, "what concerns me is when in some of those town hall meetings including the one that we saw in Missouri recently where there were jokes made about lynching, etc., you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new N-word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others."
Mr. Watson, you sir, need to pick up a dictionary, look up the word socialist, and then take a look at every action the President and this Congress has taken since January and admit that the word is being in the correct context and then apologize on air for opening your mouth without thinking about the impact of your statement.
The same goes for the mindless liberal on CNN, McCafferty. The idiot was reading Sarah Palins post calling for calm from healthcare opponents and had to stop multiple times and go "ooh big words". Then he goes to compare her description of healthcare in a previous post and the call for calm in this one as being mutually exclusive? She can't think that this plan is bad for seniors and think that some aspects of it are evil and call for civil discourse at the same? How does he think that makes any sense? Am I supposed to take this guy seriously? Is this news? Is he really so drunk on the Kool-Aid that he can't objectively take a step back and see how sexist, elitist, and ridiculous he sounds?
And Obama once again summed up concerns that we have anytime the Federal Government takes on a program by saying that UPS and FEDEX are doing just fine, its the Post Office that is always having problems. Thanks BO! That instills me with much needed confidence that my health is in the good hands of an entity that can't even deliver mail efficiently.
I could keep going but I will just leave you with this:
"Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them."
--Benjamin Franklin, letter to Collinson, 1753
I would like to thank Paul for his comments to this post and respond to some of his points. Paul's mistake is that he has succumbed to the same failed logic that most liberals have and that is buying into DNC talking points about these protests not being grassroots, in reality he is listening to what someone else told him about the reason for the protests and is repeating it without thinking about it. I have not had any organization tell me what to say or how to think and a large majority of the people you see on TV have not either.
Paul is right in that ordinary circumstances yelling and screaming would be counterproductive, but without those outbursts we would be cruising through summer with the MSM force feeding us the positive spin on health care without pointing out any arguments against it. As for his point about Veterans, unless he is one like myself and has had to deal with the complete and total failures the VA has had in regards to veterans he shouldn't go there. As far as Medicaid and Medicare go, give me a break, those are two shining examples of inefficiency and cost overruns and have been running over budget for years. Paul, you will find very few of us that don't agree that reforms are required, where we disagree is the governments involvement, paying for it, and lack of tort reform measures.
Paul, please exam closely the reactions of your own party before you start making accusations that make you look like an Obamabot. Everything we are doing right now to oppose health care came straight out of the democrats handbook, forced on us due to a party in control that will not listen to our concerns (Sound familiar anti-war folks? By the way, there is still a war going on, where are you now?). Liberals created the art of protests, screaming down opponents and labeling to make their points. As far as the birthers go, those crazy little goons are as credible as the AWOLERS during the Bush Administration. Next time you have problems with protests, even ones you think are organized, remember your words the next time PETA terrorizes people trying to eat at a McDonald's, or Greenpeace keeps commercial fisherman from feeding their families, or any number of other ORGANIZED DEMOCRATIC PARTY protests...We sure will.
Ukraine’s Rare Earth and Realpolitik
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This Trump Doctrine is the re...
15 hours ago
1 comment:
It’s funny we hear Republicans say that they do not want “faceless bureaucrats” making medical decisions but they have no problem with “private sector” “faceless bureaucrats” daily declining medical coverage and financially ruining good hard working people (honestly where can they go with a pre-condition). And who says that the “private sector” is always right, do we forget failures like Long-Term Capital, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Enron, Tyco, AIG and Lehman Brothers. Of course the federal government will destroy heathcare by getting involved, Oh but wait, Medicare and Medicaid and our military men and women and the Senate and Congress get the best heathcare in the world, and oh, that’s right, its run by our federal government. I can understand why some may think that the federal government will fail, if you look at the past eight years as a current history, with failures like the financial meltdown and Katrina but the facts is they can and if we support them they will succeed.
How does shouting down to stop the conversation of the healthcare debate at town hall meetings, endears them to anyone. Especially when the organizations that are telling them where to go and what to do and say are Republicans political operatives, not real grassroots. How does shouting someone down or chasing them out like a “lynch mob” advanced the debate, it does not. So I think the American people will see through all of this and know, like the teabagger, the birthers, these lynch mobs types AKA “screamers” are just the same, people who have to resort to these tactics because they have no leadership to articulate what they real want. It’s easy to pickup a bus load of people who hate, and that’s all I been seeing, they hate and can’t debate. Too bad.
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